OHWB Statement - disc  

Problem Statement: Over 90% of the world’s workers do not have access to Industrial Hygienists. Therefore, nearly 3 billion workers will not be able to identify, control, and reduce work-related exposures to chemical agents and achieve prevention from acquiring work-related illnesses and diseases.

Mission Statement: To engage the Industrial Hygiene profession in developing and disseminating the means for ensuring that the reduction of work-related illness and disease is attainable and available for all workers worldwide.

i. Develop twinning opportunities to achieve sustainability of objectives.

ii. Expand mission to include the occupational health and safety professions.

iii. Select overarching issues to tie to objectives and enhance opportunities.


iv. Develop a list of organizations that are involved in achieving our mission.

v. Develop a list of existing projects and initiatives in line with our mission.

vi. Make this list accessible via the internet as a clearinghouse of resources.

vii. Communicate the existence of IHWB, our mission, and our resources.

viii. Support development of qualitative risk assessment toolkits and toolboxes

ix. Support Masters level Industrial Hygiene programs in developing countries

x. Develop train-the-trainer programs to implement IHWB initiatives.